“Part of my joy in learning is that it puts me in a position to teach” – Seneca
I love teaching and the experience so far has been fabulous. It gives me an opportunity to meet some amazing people, learn from them and impart the knowledge which I have to offer .
The last workshop was in ‘Mumbai’ and I met around 45 people with diverse backgrounds with one common denominator: ‘Passion for equity markets. ‘
Why you should consider this workshop
I have always You have heard a lot of ‘Gyan’ on investing. Specially, Value Investing !!!
People promising to make you ‘Wise’ and great at investing by showing you annual reports of companies which behaves like clock-work
Or they tell you that you could have become Crorepatis if you would have invested in some companies 20 years back and how they have become so.
Well, here is the newsflash. Everyone can become rich in hindsight. You become ‘Rich’ by investing in companies that are going to be giants and you don’t learn to know that by looking in the rear view mirror.
If you like to become a Crorepati by looking in hindsight, so be it, please don’t attend this workshop. If you want to become really ‘wise’, this is not a workshop for you.
I don’t know how to make such big mouthed claims. It’s not my forte. I am foremost an investor and I am equally passionate a teacher. And that’s the two things I do best.
So when you come to the workshop, just expect these two things. Nothing more. No secret formulas and no wisdom lecture. But one thing is of sure.expect this:
I will teach you what it takes to do solid research on companies and finding the companies you can really put big money into. What are the risks involved and how to mitigate that risk. What it takes to really create wealth by investing in stocks and then most importantly, I will teach you exactly ‘HOW’ to do it.
Details of the Course
I have put the details in this small video.
Some testimonials from Mumbai Workshop
“I have been an avid stock market investor since last 25 years but the areas that puzzled me most about the strategies of long term investment were covered by your workshop in great detail. My investing knowledge has been greatly enhanced after attending your workshop.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for conducting such knowledgeable and interactive workshop wherein you stood by your word that —– You will teach me exactly ‘HOW’ to do it.” – Parag Shah
“I frequently read www.stoicinvesting.com for Puneet’s always enlightening blog articles and the inspiring Podcasts which feature diverse high achievers. Only after attending the Stoic Investing Lab in Mumbai that I was able to understand what I wanted to achieve from investing and how to get there.
In two enjoyable days we learned a great amount about value investing in a way it is rarely taught – simply. Puneet teaches for the love of teaching and that is why is he so good at it. He does not try to impose his style, or any one style of investing, instead he exposes us to a universe of ways to create wealth in the markets and encourages us to deep dive in them and find what works for us individually.
I highly recommend the Stoic Investing Lab to anyone looking to learn about financial markets. Puneet is sharp, engaging, and generous with with his knowledge, take advantage of it! – Siddharth Kothari, ED- OM Metals.
Course Fees :Whatever you decide !!!
The course fees is Rs.16000/- but I don’t want you to pay for what you might not feel worth it. The idea is to educate. So for this particular event, you pay the costs for arrangements i.e. Rs.4500/- and pay the remaining or whatever you feel is the worth AFTER the workshop if it was worth your money. And if you find that it was not worth at all, I will refund the cost of the arrangements too..
Iris Hotel
70 Brigade Road, Near MG Road
Ashok Nagar,
Karnataka- 560025
Interested people, just click here and proceed.
I am hoping to see you there.