Stoic Investing

The Investing Lab : Mumbai Edition on 23rd and 24th April

You have heard a lot of ‘Gyan’ on investing. Specially, Value Investing !!!

People promising to make you ‘Wise’ and great at investing by showing you annual reports of companies which behaves like clock-work

Or they tell you that you could have become Crorepatis if you would have invested in some companies 20 years back and how they have become so.

Well, here is the newsflash. Everyone can become rich in hindsight. You become ‘Rich’ by investing in companies that are going to be giants and you don’t learn to know that by looking in the rear view mirror.

If you like to become a Crorepati by looking in hindsight, so be it, please don’t attend this workshop. If you want to become really ‘wise’, this is not a workshop for you.

I don’t know how to make such big mouthed claims. It’s not my forte. I am foremost an investor and I am equally passionate a teacher. And that’s the two things I do best.

So when you come to the workshop, just expect these two things. Nothing more. No secret formulas and no wisdom lecture. But one thing is of sure.expect this:

I will teach you what it takes to do solid research on companies and finding the companies you can really put big money into. What are the risks involved and how to mitigate that risk. What it takes to really create wealth by investing in stocks and then most importantly, I will teach you exactly ‘HOW’ to do it.

Workshop Details – Course Outline

The whole course will be full of examples of Indian listed companies and case studies. The program is meant to be informal & interactive. I will be focusing a lot on Midcap/Smallcap Companies and avoid over-researched Large Cap Companies and rather focus on finding midcaps which can become large Caps. Following are topics that will be covered for 2 days:

Fundamental investing and Technical Investing (Differences and Combination)

Nuances of Value (Fundamental) investing.

Details of Financial Statements and how they interact with each other? (In an interesting case study – Story Format and real life case studies )

Understanding the main financial statements using key ratios and methods (Method of inversion and Du-pont Analysis)

Identification of Good v/s Bad businesses using the above ratios (Real examples of various companies as to how long term wealth was created and destroyed)

Assessing the management quality

How to ‘value’ a company. Really.. Heard so much about Value ?? Know HOW to do it too.

Qualitative analysis of the company

Simple but a powerful tool – Checklist

How to tackle your worst enemy: ‘You’

Risk management

Investing in Trends/Vision/Themes- Not all companies will have super balance sheets and business but an evolving business with huge prospects.

Add-on Session (Guest Session)

Additionally, I invited Nooresh Merani, renowned Technical Analyst and a friend for a 2-Hour Session. The reason is simple. One must listen to all points and then decide what is best. That is the purpose of my website and that’s I thought its best that you hear things and make your own mind.

– Understanding Long Term Trends
– Patterns for Investors
– Why you don’t need to see too much of indicators and a lot of non sense
– Simple and effective Technical Analysis

Course Fees :Whatever you decide !!!

Ideally, the course fees is Rs.16000/- but I don’t want you to pay anything for what you might not feel worth it. The idea is to educate. So for this particular event, you pay the costs for arrangements i.e. Rs.3000/- and pay the remaining or whatever you feel is the worth AFTER the workshop if it was worth your money.

Interested people, just click here and proceed.

I am hoping to see you there.

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